Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
Claudio: Processing Jobs
Claudio: Getting Started
Getting Started
Claudio: Processing Jobs
File Submission
Editing Transcripts
File Types & Sizes
Ontario ACT Legal Transcripts
General Transcripts
Business Transcripts
Legal Transcripts
Insurance Transcripts
Medical Transcripts
Medico-Legal Transcription
Nova Scotia Courts
Claudio: Profiles & Workflows
Profile Flags
Creating & Managing your Profiles
Claudio Live
Claudio: Mac Users
Claudio: Third-Party Integrations
Microsoft Word Basics
Saving and Proofing
Word Hotkeys
Searching and Viewing
Microsoft Word Templates and Macros
Audio Transcription Playback Software
Express Scribe
VLC Media Player
VIQ Player
FTR (For The Record)
Liberty Player
Converting Audio to Text
Converting Video to Text
Computer Configuration
Windows Settings
Claudio: Reports
User Invitations
Team Admin- User Invitation Process
Resource Centre
Loom Analytics Academy
How to Edit With Claudio in Microsoft Word
Claudio Developer Documentation
API account specific setup
API calls
Claudio Product Updates
August 2024
July 2024
March 2024
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Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
Claudio: Processing Jobs
Claudio: Getting Started
Getting Started
Claudio: Processing Jobs
File Submission
Editing Transcripts
File Types & Sizes
Ontario ACT Legal Transcripts
General Transcripts
Business Transcripts
Legal Transcripts
Insurance Transcripts
Medical Transcripts
Medico-Legal Transcription
Nova Scotia Courts
Claudio: Profiles & Workflows
Profile Flags
Creating & Managing your Profiles
Claudio Live
Claudio: Mac Users
Claudio: Third-Party Integrations
Microsoft Word Basics
Saving and Proofing
Word Hotkeys
Searching and Viewing
Microsoft Word Templates and Macros
Audio Transcription Playback Software
Express Scribe
VLC Media Player
VIQ Player
FTR (For The Record)
Liberty Player
Converting Audio to Text
Converting Video to Text
Computer Configuration
Windows Settings
Claudio: Reports
User Invitations
Team Admin- User Invitation Process
Resource Centre
Loom Analytics Academy
How to Edit With Claudio in Microsoft Word
Claudio Developer Documentation
API account specific setup
API calls
Claudio Product Updates
August 2024
July 2024
March 2024
Claudio: Processing Jobs
Support Articles on submitting jobs to Claudio, and editing Claudio transcripts
File Submission
How do I submit a media file for transcription using Claudio?
How does Quick Start work in Claudio?
How does the Claudio Advanced Transcript Request form work?
How do I access my finished transcript?
How do I request only a portion of my file to be transcribed?
I have multiple recordings. Can I submit multiple audio/video files as one job?
How do I modify the order in which my media files are transcribed in the Advanced Transcript Request form?
See more
Editing Transcripts
What are common Keyboard Shortcuts that I can use to edit a Claudio transcript?
How do I start working with a Transcript with embedded hotkeys?
File Types & Sizes
How can I tell what file type my file actually is?
Which file formats does Claudio accept?
Can I upload a .dcr audio from Liberty Player on Claudio?
Export VIQ Player audio to .wav for Claudio upload
Submitting a file that's over 2GB
How to convert .dsr media file to .mpeg on Liberty Player.
Why did my media upload fail midway?
See more
Ontario ACT Legal Transcripts
How can I request an ACT transcript through Claudio?
How do I edit a Claudio ACT Transcript?
Where Can I Find the Hotkeys & Macros for the Ontario ACT Template?
General Transcripts
How can I request a General Conversation Transcript?
Business Transcripts
How can I get a Transcript of a Business Meeting?
Legal Transcripts
How Do I Submit a New Legal Media File to Claudio for Transcription?
My Undertaking as a Reporter/Transcriptionist Limits who can Access the Audios and Resulting Transcripts. How Would I Use This Service?
How do I edit a Claudio Legal Discovery/Deposition Transcript?
Insurance Transcripts
How can I receive a transcript of an Insurance company meeting?
Medical Transcripts
How Do I Submit a Medical Dictation Media File to Claudio for Transcription?
Medico-Legal Transcription
How do I evaluate Claudio IME?
I Deal With Sensitive and Highly Private Information in the Audios and Resulting Transcripts. How do you Handle Such Requests?
I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
Usage - Team Administrators
Usage - Team Users
Nova Scotia Courts
How can I request a Nova Scotia Courts transcript through Claudio?