What are common Keyboard Shortcuts that I can use to edit a Claudio transcript?

If you have been typing manually for a while, these MS Word hotkeys will help you navigate a transcript in the editing process.

Claudio's transcripts are created as Microsoft Word documents, unless you have a custom Profile that has a different text format.

For those of you who have been typing your transcripts instead of editing text, this might be a change of pace and a different way of working.

The following are some hotkeys that we find are useful when editing our automated transcripts:

F12 - Save
CTRL + ALT + H - Highlights selected text
CTRL + A - Select all text
CTRL + SHIFT + Down Arrow - Select text
CTRL + SHIFT + Up Arrow - Deselect text
CTRL + F - Find
CTRL + H - Find + Replace, or jump to page number
SHIFT + F3 - Capitalizes all letters/Capitalizes first letter/All letters in lowercase
CTRL + SHIFT + < - Decrease selected font
CTRL + SHIFT + > - Increase selected font
CTRL + Left Arrow - Moves one word to the left
CTRL + Right Arrow - Moves one word to the right
CTRL + Up Arrow - Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph
CTRL + Down Arrow - Moves to the end of the paragraph
CTRL + END - Go to the end of the document
CTRL + DEL - Deletes word to the right of cursor
CTRL + Backspace - Deletes word to the left of cursor
CTRL + Z - Undo
CTRL + Y - Redo
CTRL + B - Bold
CTRL + I - Italicize
CTRL + U - Underline
CTRL + SHIFT + L - Insert bullet point
CTRL + Apostrophe + E - Adds accented e
CTRL + W - Closes currently open document window
Left-click three times - Highlights paragraph

Learn More: Ontario ACT Legal Transcripts