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- Nova Scotia Courts
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How can I request a Nova Scotia Courts transcript through Claudio?
Log in to Claudio. Navigate to the Advanced Transcript Request Form on your dashboard under the 'Advanced Transcript Request' field and Click 'View' to access the form.
Enter 'Job name' and Select the Nova Scotia Courts profile from the dropdown.
Add an optional description in the Job Description field if desired. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Complete the next section using the details from your Order for Court Transcript of Nova Scotia Court Proceeding form. Ensure all information matches your court order form.
Note: These inputs will be reflected in the final transcript (e.g., the defendant’s name will appear in the appropriate section of the transcript).
Click 'Next' when finished.
On the final tab, Click 'Upload File' and select the relevant media file.
NOTE: To upload multiple files to a single job, refer this.
Adjust the transcription settings if needed, modify the 'Audio Start' and 'Audio End' values to define where the transcription should begin and end.
Once everything is configured, click 'Submit'.
To track the progress of your transcription or retrieve finished transcripts, refer this.