Why Should I Disable "Speaker Identification" for Court/Discovery Transcripts?

Learn why you shouldn't enable Claudio's "Speaker Identification" option for court transcripts.

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Unlike insurance statements that follow a straightforward Q&A format, court transcripts require a specific structure involving Q&A and colloquy. This unique formatting is why we recommend not enabling Claudio's "speaker identification" feature for court-related transcripts.

By default, we've disabled this option for court-related job profiles. This is because automatic speaker identification inserts placeholders that don't align with the required court transcript format. Editing these transcripts to conform to the correct Q&A and Colloquy structure is faster and more efficient when you start with a clean transcript without speaker placeholders. Using a macro-enabled Microsoft Word document template, you can easily navigate the transcript and apply the correct notations with fewer keystrokes.

When editing a Claudio-generated court transcript, you can utilize Microsoft Word hotkeys to streamline the process. At the beginning of each Claudio transcript, there are hotkeys listed that allow you to quickly add the corresponding speaker notations.

For those unfamiliar with hotkeys, we offer a range of articles and even a free course to help you get up to speed. You can find links to these resources below.