1. Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
  2. Claudio Developer Documentation

Claudio API Integration Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide will help you make your first Claudio job request using the Loom Analytics REST API

This article assumes you have successfully followed the steps in the Getting Started with your API Integration article.  Before you start implementing these APIs in your code base, we strongly recommend you test them using our Postman Collection, by following the steps in the Testing with Postman article.  

  1. Send a Ping call - to ensure you can connect to the Base URL with a valid API key pair
  2. Upload Audio - to upload the audio for your Claudio job request
  3. Upload Documents - to upload any supporting documents that are part of the Claudio profile workflow.  This call is to be used if the workflow requires automated data extraction from source text documents that then needs to be inserted into the Claudio transcripts, in addition to the converted audio to text transcript.
  4. Submit your job request - to send in your audio (and any supporting documents), along with the job JSON for the profile you are submitting the job.
  5. Poll for the status of your job request on a periodic basis. You can expect a status of: In Progress, Complete, or Error. When the status is Complete, a link to the completed transcript(s) is available.
  6. Optional: Delete the transcript after it has been downloaded from the transcript _location