What Are Common Keyboard Shortcuts That I Can Use to Edit a Claudio Transcript?

If you've been manually typing your transcripts, transitioning to editing automated transcripts using Claudio Desktop can improve efficiency.

Claudio Desktop generates transcripts as Microsoft Word documents unless your chosen profile specifies a different format. Editing these documents is more efficient with keyboard shortcuts. Below are some commonly used shortcuts to help you navigate and edit your transcripts quickly:


Frequently Used Keyboard Shortcuts

Saving and Highlighting:

  • F12 - Save
  • CTRL + ALT + H - Highlight selected text

Text Navigation:

  • CTRL + A - Select all text
  • CTRL + SHIFT + Down Arrow - Select text
  • CTRL + SHIFT + Up Arrow - Deselect text
  • CTRL + F - Find
  • CTRL + H - Find + Replace, or jump to page number

Text Formatting:

  • SHIFT + F3 - Toggle between all caps, capitalize first letter, or all lowercase
  • CTRL + SHIFT + < - Decrease selected font
  • CTRL + SHIFT + > - Increase selected font
  • CTRL + B - Bold
  • CTRL + I - Italicize
  • CTRL + U - Underline
  • CTRL + SHIFT + L - Insert bullet point
  • CTRL + Apostrophe + E - Add accented 'e'

Navigation Within Document:

  • CTRL + Left Arrow - Move one word to the left
  • CTRL + Right Arrow - Move one word to the right
  • CTRL + Up Arrow - Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph
  • CTRL + Down Arrow - Move to the end of the paragraph
  • CTRL + END - Go to the end of the document

Text Deletion:

  • CTRL + DEL - Delete word to the right of cursor
  • CTRL + Backspace - Delete word to the left of cursor


  • CTRL + Z - Undo
  • CTRL + Y - Redo


  • CTRL + W - Close currently open document window
  • Left-click three times - Highlight entire paragraph

By incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow, you can save time and reduce repetitive strain.

Check out other helpful article below:

Microsoft Word Templates and Macros - Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
Converting Audio to Text - Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
Converting Video to Text - Loom Analytics Knowledge Base
Audio Transcription Playback Software - Loom Analytics Knowledge Base