Salutation Format

This flag describes the salutation format to be used by Claudio during transcription. The user can choose from one of many salutation formats Claudio supports.

Flag Options:

  • No Preferences
  • Short, no period (e.g. Ms)
  • Short, with period (e.g. Ms.)
  • Long(e.g. Miss)

Examples are shown below:

No Preference:

When the 'No Preference' option is chosen by the user, Claudio preserves the salutation format from the media file. For example, if the audio contains the phrase "Welcome Mister Doe"; the transcript will not shorten 'mister' to 'Mr'. 


short, no period:

when the 'Short, no period' option is chosen by the user, Claudio shortens all the salutations and does not add a period after shortening the salutation. For example, 'Mr Cullen was present but Mrs Cullen did not attend the party';  this transcript doesn't include any period.


short, with period:

when the 'Short , with Period' option is chosen by the user, Claudio shortens all the salutations and adds a period after each shortened salutation. For example: 'Mr. Cullen was present but Mrs. Cullen did not attend the party. '



When the 'long' option is chosen by the user , Claudio  expands all the salutations. For example: 'Mister Cullen was present but Mirses Cullen did not attend the party.'