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How can I use the Find and Replace function in Microsoft Word?
This article will briefly showcase how you can use the Search and Replace function in Microsoft Word.
Table of Contents.
1.Use the Find and Replace hotkey.
2.Consider the word you want to find.
3.Consider what you want to replace it with.
4.Review changes.
The Search and Replace function is a very powerful and useful tool that allows you to look for any word or phrase within a large body of a document and make quick edits across the entirety of the document. Follow the guide below to learn how you can use this with a hotkey.
When in Word. Press CTRL-H. The Find and Replace menu will appear.
Consider the word that you want to find first, in our case we are looking for the word "lorem" in our text. You can press the "Find next" button to look at all of the instances of that word in the text.
We can replace each instance of the word, one at a time, by firstly selecting the instance with the use of the "Find Next" button, and then clicking "Replace".
Alternatively we can also replace the instance across the whole document by using the "Replace All" button.
NOTE: Microsoft Word will tell you how many instances of the word have been replaced.