How Do I Convert an Audio Within VIQ Player to a .wav File For Express Scribe?

Detailed step-by-step outline on how to convert an audio file within VIQ Player to a .wav file in order to play it in Express Scribe

If there is noise in the audio or the speakers are hard to hear on certain channels and you know exactly which of the one or more channels are good to use, you can selectively load one or more channels into VIQ while ignoring the rest by doing the following:

  1. Go to the DAUDIO folder and navigate through the folder containing the individual channel audio files. They will have file extensions of .a00, .a01, etc... .a00 refers to Ch. 1, .a01 refers to Ch. 2, and so forth.

    1. Drag the channel files you want to use into VIQ, specifically the ones that are good to use and don’t have noise. Remember that if you want to load two or three channels, all these files need to be dragged together into the player. Once they have loaded, you can check that they have loaded correctly by clicking Show Controls, which will show all loaded channels.

      • In the example below, two channel audios were dragged into VIQ


2.  To export the audio once you have figured out whether you want to export all channels or selected channels, go to File > Export Audio


3.  You will be asked to select the location to save. Remember where you are saving the .wav audio file. Once you select the location to save, you will see a progress bar indicating the status of the export.


4.  You will see a confirmation message once the conversion is complete. Click OK and close VIQ.

You can then go to the folder you saved the .wav file to and drag it into Express Scribe to open it for playback.