Can I upload multi-speaker media files with multiple speakers and different accents?

This article will talk about how Claudio handles multi-speaker media files as well as accent detection and capture.

Yes, Claudio is designed to accommodate people that speak multiple languages across the world. The idea behind this is to make Claudio's transcription service to be more accessible and comprehensive in its use.

Claudio does this by offering multiple profiles that can be accessed either with a trial or enterprise account.

Not only does the AI Assistant detect how many speakers are present on a video/audio file, but it can also transcribe each speaker with 95%+ accuracy.

We understand how sometimes, it can be hard to understand someone especially when there are accents involved, but with Claudio that is no longer a problem as it can transcribe speech regardless of the speakers accent.

TIP: You can learn how to create a trial Claudio account by clicking here.